Saturday, July 15, 2017


Morning Friends,

Here I am sharing notes on core subjects of Instrumentation Engineering

Monday, April 17, 2017

Questions and Answers

Hello friends,

Here I am sharing some questions related to sensors and measurement which can be asked in interviews if you opt for core industries like
1) Oil and Gas
2) refining and manufacturing
3) pharmaceutical
4) chemical manufacturing etc...

These are the very basic and most important questions.. do not miss to read.
1) can control valve be mounted with actuator in horizontal position??

yes control valve can work in any orientation however the preferred installation is actuator is in vertical position. The installation of actuator is in horizontal or vertical position is manufacture specified. 
here actuator means mechanism which control the position of control valve stem like fully open, 50% open, 25% open etc. you will get know about control valve and actuator in your curriculum subjects. 

2) What are different types of orifice plates? State their uses.

 Different orifice plates are: 1. Concentric 2. Segmental 3. Eccentric
    These plates are used for ideal liquid as well as gases and steam service. Concentric holes are        present in these plates, that's why it is known as concentric orifice.
   This plate has hole in the form of segment of the circle. This plate is used for colloidal and sherry flow measurement. this is also used for highly dense (highly viscous) fluid.
This plate has the eccentric holes. This plate is used in viscous and sherry flow measurement.

3) How do you identify an orifice in the pipeline?
An orifice tab is welded on the orifice plate which extends out of the line giving an

indication of the orifice plate.

4) How can a D.P. transmitter be calibrated?
    D.P. transmitter can be calibrated using following steps:
1. Adjust zero of transmitters.
2. Perform static pressure test: Give equal pressure on both sides of transmitter. Zero should not shift either side. If the zero shifts then carry out static alignment.
3. Perform vacuum test: Apply equal vacuum to both the sides. Zero should not shift.
4. Calibration procedure: Give 20 psi air supply to the transmitter and vent L.P. side to atmosphere. Connect output of the instrument to the standard test gauge. Adjust zero. Apply required pressure to the high pressure side and adjust the span. Adjust zero gain if necessary.

5.What is the use of valve positioner?
Valve positioner can be used for following reasons:
a. Quick action
b. Valve hysterisis
c. Viscous liquids
d. Split range.
e. Line pressure changes on valve
f. Bench set not standard

g. Reverse valve operations

6. how liquid level can be measured using differential pressure transmitter??
here video description for this question..

I will post more questions soon,,,, enjoy reading😊

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Digital Control

Hello Friends !!

Here I have shared a link to download notes on Digital Control and Logic design.

share with your friends and enjoy reading....

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Level Measurement

Types of level measurement

There are two methods used to measure Level
  1. Direct method
  2. Indirect method
Direct method:-

direct level measurement is simple, almost straightforward and economical; it comprises direct measurement of height from reference line and used some local level indication. it is not easily adopted to signal transmission techniques for remote indication or control.

some of direct level measurement techniques are

  1. Dip stick method
  2. sight glass
  3. chain or float gauge
Indirect method:-

Indirect method of level measurement depends upon the material having physical property  which can be measured and relate to the Level. Many physical and Electrical properties used for this purpose and are best suitable for remote transmission. this type of level measurement employs latest technology in its measurement.

some of indirect level measurement techniques are

1. capacitance level measurement - for continuous level measurement
2. Hydro static principle for level measurement or differential pressure level measurement (point level detection)
3.Ultrasonic and radar level techniques (continuous level detection)
4. zero elevation and suppression (normally used when mounting position for sensor is unknown)
5. Vibrating fork type level measurement.( point level detection)

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Digital control and Industrial Networking

Good afternoon Friends,

As I said before there are some important ( Very Important !!) subjects for Instrumentation and Control Engineer. If you are planning to go for core companies like petrochemical, pharmaceutical, chemical, oil and gas etc. then knowledge of these subjects beneficial to you. These subjects are
  1. Process control and instrumentation
  2. Transducers and measurement
  3. Digital control and Industrial Networking
  4. Instrumentation systems ......etc
I am posting here some materials related to data networking... please click on below link for download.

Hope you enjoy.....................

Temperature Transducers

A) Expansion Thermometers

  1. Expansion of solids - Bimetal thermometers
  2. Expansion of Liquids - Liquid in glass thermometers and Liquid in metal thermometers
  3. Expansion of gases - Gas thermometers
B) FILLED SYSTEM THERMOMETERS (pressure spring thermometers)

  1. Gas filled thermometers
  2. Liquid filled thermometers
  3. Vapor -pressure thermometers
C) Electrical Temperature Sensors

  1. Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD)
  2. Thermistor
  3. Thermocouples
D) Radiation Temperature sensors

  1. Radiation Pyrometry
  2. Optical  Pyrometry

Friday, February 24, 2017

Temperature Units and its conversion

Temperature Units:-
  1. Kelvin
  2. Centigrade
  3. Fahrenheit

Above table shows Steam point and ice point of water for different Temperature Units.


Generally kelvin scale referred to as a absolute centigrade scale and RANKINE scale referred to as absolute Fahrenheit Scale. ....

Amazing things coming soon...enjoy reading😊

Tranducers and measurement

What is measurement??

It is the act or a result of a quantitative comparison between a predetermined standard and an unknown magnitude.

As a Instrumentation and Control Engineer we are generally dealing with four types of measurement.

1) Temperature measurement

2) flow measurement

3) pressure measurement

4) Level measurement

What is Temperature ?? 

Temperature is a degree of hotness or coldness or in simple words it is a degree of heat.

There are three ways to transfer heat according to thermodynamics
1) conduction:- which only takes place between two solids
2) convection :- from surface to moving fluid
3) Radiation :- between two surfaces which emits radiation.

effects of this heat transfer
1) it changes body's physical or chemical state
2) change in physical dimension
3) change in electrical properties
4) generation of EMF ( electromotive force ) at the junction of two dissimilar metals
5) change in intensity of emitted radiation

for temperature measurements we are dealing with different sensors and transducers based on this five effects.

about different sensors and transducers I post soon..

till that enjoy Reading....!!😊

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Here first..

Below link Gives information about pressure sensors. The link only contains Images of pressure sensors. The relevant document I will post you soon.

"Welcome Readers"


Greetings from Sagar

This blog is about to deliver greatest content and study materials for Instrumentation and control Engineering discipline students. In fact blog name also suggests what this blog is for? you can find study materials for all subjects like Analog- Digital Electronics, process control, Transducers and measurement, Instrumentation systems etc.

Enjoy Reading....